Lily Stirling

Holt Jacobs Mysteries

A Not So Rosy Vintage​


Problem. I didn’t recognize my ex-girlfriend when she died in my arms.

A Not So Cozy Christmas​

What’s scarier? An ax murderer or a family Christmas?

A Not So Shocking Murder

First, no coffee. Then a dead guy. This is one killer vacation

A Not So Rustic Retreat

If there’s one thing more dangerous than fireworks, it’s dating.

Lily Stirling

Hello! I’m Lily Stirling. 

Welcome to all things sarcastic sleuths.

When I’m not writing about sarcastic families, I’m living in one. 

Mysteries were first introduced to me at the age of four when my Mom read aloud The Boxcar Children. I’ve been hooked ever since so I become a mystery author.

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